David T. Tran, Shareholder
- An active member of the local Chamber of Commerce, Business Development Committee and assisting small, medium, and upstart businesses with business formation, risk management, litigation, and general counsel work
- Successfully completed over 400 litigated matters including trials, mediation, and arbitration throughout California and surrounding states
- Trained in litigation under the Trial Advocacy Training Program organized by NITA and manages litigation portfolios for many of the firm’s corporate clients
- Consistently advises closely held and family owned corporations on growth strategies and how to navigate the insurance deductible/Self-Insured Retention mine fields
- Successfully guided companies through business acquisitions and financial restructuring
- Assisted companies grow their businesses five-folds prior to sale
- Routinely speaks at business development agencies seminars, industry association groups and participates in hands-on workshops for business owners on matters that directly impact emerging and mid-size businesses

Professional Associations
- Orange County Bar Association
- Los Angeles County Bar Association
- Long Beach Bar Association
- Business Development Committee of local Chambers of Commerce
- Southern California Association of Defense Counsel
- Vietnamese Bar Association
- California Professional Association of Specialty Contractors
- Construction Management Association of America
- Building Industry Association
- Remodeler’s Council